School Management System ; Tectainet Hi5 is known to be the best School ERP System
Student Registration System,Instantly Generate and Print Student Smart ID Card,Attendances checking with the Smart ID card using smart phone, Student Class Automated Billing System, Hostel Facility Manager,Sickbay Management, Smart ID Card Wallet cash Funding and withdrawal, Payment Processing System with instant POS or standard receipt, Student Subject Management,Cash and Bank account management and lots more using web, desktop or any smart devices
Data Management
- Student and Parent Data
- Registration System
- Academic Manager
- Subject/Course Manager
- Result Template
- Users Terminal System
- Hostel Manager
- Tuckshop Manager
- Wallet System
- Bank Account
- Cash Account
- Sickbay Manager
- Multicampus Management
- Parent access to view live attendance, billing, payment and other information of the student
- Authorised Users view live attendance report of all students
- Student Onetime billing
- Student Terminal/Session Billing
- Student Stays Manager
- POS Receipt
- Student Automated Billing Manager
- Student Payment Processing
- Student Card Funding System
- Student Card Cash Withdrawal
- Student Outstanding Manager
- Expenses Manager
- Salary Manager
- Bank and Cash Account
- Gate Cheking System
- Hostel Checking System
- Class Attendance System
- Terminal Result System
- Hostel Management System
- Printout Result
- Student Reporting System
- Internal Feed System
- School Service Manager
- Class and Subject Manager
- Attendances Reporting System
- School Buses Manager
- Academic Calendar Management
General Control
- Parents Monitoring System
- Units Manager
- Effective Multicampus Control System
- Bill Report System
- Internal Feed System
- Internal Notification System
- Private Messanger
- Task Manager
- Smart Phone Terminals
- Parent Notification System
- Low Internet Data Consumption
- Amount Charged is renewable every term
- You can upgrade to increase it or downgrade the size
- You only pay for requested capacity
Tectainet Hi5